Saturday, June 4, 2016

How could you ask for wine in Roman taverns?

These were the typical measures of wine served in the ancient Roman taverns:

- 1 liter, called "tubbo". If it was served twice, it was called "er barzilai" because of Salvatore Barzilai who during the late Nineteenth century elections precisely offered 2 liters of wine to those who voted for him,

- 1/2 liter, the "fojetta" (foglietta),

- 1/4, the "quartino" (the quarter),

- 1/5 of a liter called the "altar boy" because that was the amount poured by the altar boy during the Saint Mass

- 1/10 of a liter, also called "whisper" or "breath" because somebody who was ordering it, was whispering because of the shame of not having enough money to afford more!

Source: Passeggiate per Roma

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